Hello Everyone Rahul O M We are gona learn how to create an app using mit app inventer and also we will create an chatting app. so, What is Mit-app inventer? App Inventor is a free, simple. online tool that allows the user to create a new app for android devices . There is no coding required for building the apps using App Inventor Only two things are required. Google account and an android Smartphone. Building an app using app inventor step 1 : Go to the website http: //ai2.appinventor.mit edu/ step 2 : Login to the Google account by providing the user name and password . step 3 . Click on New Project at the top right corner of the window . step 4 : Provide a relevant project title for the app to be created Step 5 : you will get a designer window, where the components and layout of the app can be created. Step 6 : Click on button and drag it over the viewers and drop it . step 7 : Connect the computer with an android mobile or tablet . This wil...
Crerating apps with MIT APP INVENTER